Industry - Compressors


High quality lubricant carefully refined and hydrogenated which is specially designed for the lubrication of reciprocating air compressors which are used under normal or severe conditions. Several unwanted effects are produced in the compression process such as temperature increase, humidity condensation, oxidation caused by the oil-air mixture at high temperatures which produces deposit formation, oil viscosity increase, etc... This fluid belongs to a range of products which are thermically stable, alowing a good water separation and including some additives which ensure excellent stability properties against oxidation, rust, corrossion and high resistance to foam formation.

  • Excellent resistance to oxidation.
  • High thermal stability.
  • Great demulsifiable capacity.
  • Low tendency to block filters.
  • Good compatibility with seals and joints.

Available sizes



  • DIN 51506 tipos VC-L y VD-L