Specialties - Antifreeze


100% organic antifreeze formulated with ethilenglycol base and modern package of additives which gives an excellent capacity of protection to all the components of the refrigeriting circuit present in every component of the internal combustion engines. It can be used in every kind of cooling circuits but it is specially recomended in aluminium engines.

  • Excellent anticorrosive, antirusting and antifoaming characteristics.
  • In accordance with G12 specification.
  • Excellent refrigerating property.
  • Protection against cavitation, avoiding bubble formation.
  • Compatibility with sealings and elastomers. Avoiding losts due to leaks.
  • The great stability of the organic inhibitors here used reduces its degradation, thus being recomended for a long term service.
  • It can be mixed with any kind of water.

Available sizes



  • VW TL 774 D (G12)
  • UNE 26 361
  • SAE J 1034/J 814
  • FORD WSS M 97B44D
  • MIL A 46153 C
  • MB 325.3
  • MAN 324 TYPE SNF